Advanced Dredging Engineering

i2D offers advanced, multi-disciplinary dredging engineering services that leverage our expertise in civil, mechanical and control systems engineering. Our engineers possess a deep understanding of fundamental physics, enabling them to construct concise practical models from the ground up.

We develop and maintain both physical and numerical models, as well as create and employ tools for fast, reliable and comprehensive calculations.

Discover how our extensive dredging engineering knowledge and experience can help you solve your project challenges.

WID water injection dredging jetting bar nozzles jet configuration

Soil-Water Interaction Engineering

Dredging engineering inherently involves soil-water interaction and the unique science of underwater engineering and destructive geotechnical engineering.

i2D’s dredging engineers use cutting-edge advanced modelling techniques to predict the cutting and jetting behaviour of any soil type. These techniques rely on physical and numerical models that are continuously being improved through new field experience.

This approach enables us to assess project sites to a suitable level of definition and provide accurate project estimates. It also allows our team to develop tailored estimation methodologies by identifying potential risks at an early stage.

land reclamation under construction with dredging

Control Systems Engineering

Modern dredging equipment is fitted with advanced control systems to help maintain optimal performance. Reliable and precise instrumentation is crucial for any control system’s success.

Our dredging engineers are skilled in designing, optimising and training operators on these systems. i2D:

  • Designs and configures control systems to maximise production efficiency
  • Trains operators to effectively use control systems.
offshore rock dumping installation supply via flexible fall pipe vessel
subsea soil jetting with 3 dimensional draghead configuration

Dredging Process Engineering

Our team of engineers design and modify dredging installations with a strong focus on optimising equipment performance. i2D’s experience has demonstrated that a systematic design approach results in a competitive cost per cubic metre of soil.  i2D:

  • Possesses unique state-of-the-art knowledge of dredging processes, enabling us to design, upgrade and optimise dredging installations and methodologies.
  • Can select and configure dredges, pumps, pipelines and engines to meet our project requirements.


Building new dredging equipment or upgrading existing equipment? Request a brochure today.

cutter head teeth arm pin cutter suction dredger

Coastal Engineering

A thorough understanding of coastal processes is essential for successful dredging in coastal environments. Our engineers are equipped to conduct environmental impact assessments. They can also analyse and estimate the performance of any dredging equipment interacting with waves and currents. i2D:

  • Performs both physical and numerical modelling of coastal processes
  • Provides accurate and realistic predictions of soil spill and loss, as well as their impact in coastal settings
  • Offers expertise in managing and supporting the monitoring, as well as physical and numerical modelling, of coastal processes
drag head with active visors hydraulics control force or pitch of visor during dredging

Pipeline Engineering

Pipelines and cables can be displaced due to environmental or operational factors, often requiring secondary stabilisation. Additionally, threats like dragged anchors, dropped objects, and shipping activities can also potentially cause damage, necessitating protective measures.

As an independent consultancy, i2D can recommend cost-effective solutions tailored to a project’s schedule. With extensive experience in major oil and gas projects, along with more recent work on offshore wind farms, our engineers are skilled in designing and installing pipeline stabilisation and protection systems. Furthermore, i2D has also developed a specialised toolset widely used in the offshore wind, oil and gas, and other industries.

In addition, i2D can:

  • Assess the need for pipeline or cable stabilisation and protection
  • Design, manage and construct offshore pipeline stabilisation and protection solutions
  • Recommend a range of stabilisation and protection solutions, including subsea rock installation, pre-lay or post-lay trenching, concrete mattresses, gravity anchors and many more
  • Deliver specifications, documentation and reports to ensure successful project execution
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